Diana is done!

This spring has been a little different than the past few years for Meet the Class. With everybody staying home, there have been few campus visits or tours. High school classes have been minimal. Prom and social events have been postponed or cancelled. There’s been little hand-wringing and no last-minute decisions. Below is a short and sweet conversation I had with Diana, who will be attending the University of Oklahoma next year! Congratulations, Diana, and thank you so much for sharing your weird, stressful school year with us. Read the full interview below.

Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.

Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy. 


How are you doing? In-person school was definitely cancelled for the rest of the year--how do you feel about that? Is your school doing anything to help provide a sense of closure, or will it just stop one day without fanfare? What kind of graduation will you have?

We’ve been doing well, everyone is healthy, just a little stir crazy. I’m sad that high school ended so abruptly, but it is for the best. My school gave us yard signs and they rescheduled prom for early June and graduation for mid July. Hopefully all of that works out, and if not we will have virtual graduation. 

Have you made a decision, or are you waiting until later for a June 1st deadline?

I have made a decision. I will be attending the University of Oklahoma in Norman. I’m very very excited. 

Did you have any summer plans that have already been derailed? Do you have any tentative plans in case you're able to go out more this summer?

My summer plans were derailed back in March, and my only tentative plans are prom and graduation now. 

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Photo by Angela Elisabeth.

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