Jenna is narrowing down her choices

Jenna has certainly reached the point where she’s narrowing down her list and getting a better sense of where she’s going to be at college next year. However, she’s still got incomplete information as she waits for some more financial aid offers. That could end up changing everything. Read the full interview below, and keep coming back to see what surprises are (or maybe aren’t) in store!

Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.

Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy. 

Jenna ATTENDS A Public HIGH SCHOOL IN Michigan

What did you decide on Stanford and U. Michigan Ann Arbor? Did you apply, or did you feel like you've got enough already and let them go?

So I've decided to not apply to Stanford and UMich Ann Arbor. I do feel like I have applied to enough schools, and plus UMich Dearborn actually isn't giving me a lot of scholarship money so Ann Arbor probably wont either. Maybe i'll apply to transfer after sophomore year if i'm feeling it. 

Did you go visit Wayne State as you planned? If so, how did it go? Have you got any other visits or events planned?

I still haven't visited Wayne State yet,. My schedule just cleared up a bit and I signed up for their orientation for Feb. 15th. So if the weather is good, I should be able to go. As for right now I don't have any other visits planned until probably March when the snow here in Michigan clears up and maybe gets a bit warmer. 

Is Wayne State still the frontrunner? If the whole process ended this week, where do you think you'd end up going?

Wayne and Central are my two front runners. I was able to get my GPA up this semester and became eligible for a better scholarship at Central, so I'm getting about the same money from both schools. I think if the process ended this week I'd settle with Wayne. Its’ not my first choice still but has always been a front runner. 

How's it going on the financial aid front? Are schools being realistic? Generous? Disappointing? How likely does it seem right now that your top-choice school will also be affordable?

Financial aid is going alright. I'm still waiting to get packets back from a lot of schools yet for me to 100% decide what to do. Though the schools I have received an answer back from isn't as great as I thought. As I mentioned earlier, UMich Dearborn didn't offer me as much as I would've thought but that’s fine considering I wasn't planning on attending that university. Anyways, I think if i decide to go to Wayne, with my scholarship and financial aid, I should be okay (not including room and board). 

What's the mood like for seniors at your school? Are most people in "waiting mode," hoping to hear back from colleges? Is it stressful? Are you looking forward to graduation yet, or does that seem like a long way away?

The mood at my school has been stressful. We just finished up our school pride week so everyone has really been focused on that, the lip-syncs, and dance. 

But during the week, as I've been talking to people it seems everyone is itching for graduation, which I can't blame them because I am too. Most of us seem somewhat ready to begin facing the world and figuring out our lives. 

Let's look at your list. As of last month, it was:

Central Michigan University--accepted

Central Michigan University--accepted

Eastern Michigan University--accepted

Henry Ford Community College

Long Island University--accepted

Madonna University--accepted

Michigan Tech University--accepted

Northern Michigan University--accepted

Oakland University--accepted

Roosevelt University--accepted

Stanford University

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

University of Michigan Dearborn--accepted

Wayne State University--accepted

Any changes or updates you haven't' already mentioned?

There aren't any changes besides taking off Ann Arbor and Stanford :) 

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