Three quick questions with Muhlenberg College

For Three Quick Questions, I send the same three questions to admissions representatives at colleges all over the country (the subject line of the e-mail is “Three quick questions”), and then I hope to hear back from them. When I do, I post them on Apply with Sanity. It’s that simple.

The three questions are meant to probe some of the things that make a school unique but that aren’t easily captured as a stat to go in a book or web search.

This response is from Bailey Fulginiti, Assistant Director of Admissions at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

What is a course, tradition, program or event that is unique to Muhlenberg College?

Of our many traditions, our door-holding tradition is most unique to Muhlenberg. We have a reputation for being the "Door-Holding Campus" because our faculty, staff and students will wait sometimes 45 seconds to hold the door open for each other. It's not uncommon to hold the door open for someone who is 30 yards behind you at Muhlenberg. This small, daily tradition is indicative of how our community operates. We are a campus of students who are constantly moving forward, but who will also look back to extend a helping hand. 

Naturally every college wants to recruit the perfect student--high grades, high test scores, involved in their community, leadership...everything. But what kinds of imperfect students tend to flourish at Muhlenberg?

Curious students are successful at Muhlenberg. Students who say "I don't know a whole lot about this or that, and I'm going to change that" do well at Muhlenberg. 

When people come to visit Allentown, what's a place off campus that you recommend they check out while they're there?

Being located in Pennsylvania's third largest city is such a gift for our students. Between the great restaurants, the beautiful parks and the numerous galleries and museums, there is so much to explore. A campus favorite is the Allentown Farmers' Market, located just a few blocks from campus. They are open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and students (and staff!) love walking down to get some delicious food. 

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Photo by Angela Elisabeth. [The banner photo is not of Muhlenberg. I use the same photo for all Meet the Class posts so you can spot them easily.]

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