Breya is working alone

I caught up with Breya this week to learn a bit more about her and her college plans. She’s been very involved in her school, and she has an impressive list of colleges where she may go next year. But at the moment, like so many high school students right now, Breya is mostly working alone at home. Read the full interview.

Meet the Class gets updated each month from September to May. Each installment features an interview about both the facts and the feelings of where the student is in the process.

Interviews may be edited lightly for clarity and grammar. Names may be changed to protect privacy. 

Breya attends a public high school in Ohio

How’s school? Do you feel like there’s any learning and development going on, or is it mostly going through the motions and trying to figure out logistics?

School is kind of stressful right now. I feel like everyone is just trying to figure it out. I don’t really feel like I am learning anything new or at all. I work better in an actual school environment.

How would you describe the mood of your school right now, and especially the senior class?

My school is still online right now but as of now, our school is worrying about depression and such. Most of our senior class is struggling with the isolation and the online learning. We are also worried about losing more of our senior year than the class of 2020 did.

How big a problem has Covid been at your school? Have there been any cases or outbreaks?

Because of our school being closed since last March, no.

Were you able to take the ACT and SAT? I know there have been a lot of cancellations.

Luckily, I was able to take both. I took them a week apart, one on my birthday. I’m hoping that I did well.

What do you do at school other than class? Are you involved in any clubs or teams?

I am in Viking Scholars (a medical-based mentor ship), Student Council, Student Ambassadors, HPAC (community service), Biomed Club, my school’s student leadership, and a student representative for the Building Leadership Team (BLT). I am also the founder of my own art club. 

What do you do outside of school?

Outside of school, I work ahead as far as I can. I run my own writing account on Instagram. I write stories and I volunteer as much as I can.

Did you have any college activity in September? Any visits or interviews, either in person or online?

I have been having virtual visits and planning for some in-person visits for winter break. I also started applying to colleges and I found my essay topic for college essays.

What schools are currently on your college list? You mentioned Penn, NYU, Johns Hopkins. What HBCUs are you looking at? Which Ivy? What in-state schools?

I actually broke down my list again. The HBCU’s I am looking at are Hampton University, Howard University, Spelman College, and North Carolina A&T State University. For in-state schools, I am looking at Xavier University and Ohio State University. The other schools are Colombia University, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, and University of Pennsylvania.

When are your applications due? Are they mostly early January? Are you applying Early Decision or Early Action anywhere?

Most of them are going to be regular decision in early January and I am applying to Ohio State early action due to scholarships and other things.

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Photo by Angela Elisabeth.

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